We offer independent unbiased opinions on a specific manager research mandate embedded with deep-dive “evidenced-based” findings. We take a long-term approach to determine whether the manager has the inherent skill-sets to continuously repeat past alpha generation in the coming 5 or 10 years, rather than forming an opinion based on a fund’s last 3 or 5 years’ investment results.
We are conflict-free because we are not part of any big groups. We are not under pressure to recommend a manager based on its fee structure or client flows. We take a balanced approach to recommend a manager based on client’s bespoke criteria. More importantly, we help our clients to find the best combination of criteria for their needs.
We are style agnostic and take the style bias out of a manager’s past track-records to disassociate the manager’s performance from his/her investment style which could be benefiting or “out of favor” in a cycle.
We are experienced separating the “marketing message” from the manager’s skills to identify the“true alpha” of a manager through in-depth quantitative analysis and qualitative reviews (including rigorous interviews with managers).
We are Asian and Emerging Markets Expert and we have been specialised in these growth regions for the last decade, both as stock analyst and fund selector. We recommended Asian/emerging markets mandates at one of the leading investment consultants in the UK for institutional clients (including a FTSE 100 wealth manager).